Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Peace of Wild Things


  1. Nice Photo! Where is this on the Burnt Bridge Creek Trail? I'm looking to make a gallery of running spots around Vancouver.

    1. It's at the official start of the Burnt Bridge Trail at NW Bernie Road and NW Fruit Valley Road. I think I remember telling you that you could just run that one trail and not get tired of it.:) Let me know when you get your gallery done though, it would be interesting to see if there are any secret routes I didn't know about.-Jennifer

  2. Wow! I did a Google picture search for Burnt Bridge Creek Trail when I could of walked 30 feet to find what I was looking for. Small world.

    I started this project back in July on find the running spots that I go to around Clark County. Yet, August and September have been all vacations, athletic events, and house searcher.

    I'm not familiar with the trail pass Divine. (That gave me a 7 mile loop) You are talking about the other end of the trail? I don't think I have ever see that. You seem to know your stuff when it comes to these trails around Vancouver. Maybe you have some of the photos that I am looking to take anyway. When is a good time that we could chat about this?

    1. That part of the trail is a the complete opposite of the one that starts near us. If you started on Burton and managed to following the confusing but comical trail markers for 7.5 miles you would eventually get to it. I don't actually have that many pictures of running spots but would be glad to help if I can fill in any holes from your collection. Most of them are on a drive from a laptop that went down recently so I'll have to see if I can find them. Either Saturday or Sunday afternoon works for me. -Jennifer

    2. Confusing and comical... sounds like my kinda trail. Looks like we had a little bit of a disconnect yesterday. Are you available to meet up this Saturday at 2 pm?
